Active Player 3
Total Players 3465
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# Character Kingdom Level
icon1 xRadeL Lv.105
icon2 MrBear Lv.105
icon3 Zeus Lv.95
4 zCrisTian Lv.93
5 CodeYang Lv.93
6 Ghost Lv.91
7 slayva Lv.90
8 Zenturi Lv.90
9 TraneOne Lv.90
10 SuperMercy Lv.87
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Statistics Server Statistics
Active Player 3
Daily Login 48
Total Players 3465
Data is updated every 10 minutes.
# Guild Kingdom Score
icon1 ROMANIA 19000
icon2 BlackAzgard 13000
icon3 Borsigplatz 13000
4 STARLINE 12000
5 BandiT 11000
6 ame 10000
7 Bloodforge 9000
8 Undisputed 8000
9 TURKIYE 6000
10 GBG 5000